Cash vs cashless is a false dichotomy within a broken system
Free Market Money vs Fed Money:
Liberty-minded individuals are rightly up in arms over the continuing financial censorship being implemented by ESG friendly and progressive policy compliant corporations, through the likes of banks, fintech companies, and other payment processing platforms.
The last few years have indeed seen a dramatic acceleration in these platforms being more than willing to de-bank those who ideologically step out of line, serving as a disturbing onslaught against our individual rights. In recent days and weeks, that campaign has moved into overdrive.
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The disturbing uptick in financial censorship has led to more and more freedom-oriented individuals rightly sounding the alarm about the problem.
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And the proposed maneuvers to a Central Bank Digital Currency (we will elaborate more on this at a later date), which would further embolden the censorship regime, is undoubtedly troublesome.
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But it needs to be restructured to the right paradigm. The specific cash versus cashless distinction isn’t actually as important as you may think.
Whether your dollars are deposited into a bank or buried in your backyard, your wealth remains on their monetary standard. Sure, carrying cash may allow for greater privacy and anonymity in conducting (small) transactions, but it is by no means a solution to this behemoth of a problem. And as these institutions scale up censorship, and the government more aggressively monitors transactions, deposits and withdrawals (see: the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents), holding cash is a hopeless long term strategy.
Putting aside the poor idea of physically storing significant amounts of rapidly depreciating physical cash, cash versus cashless isn’t the macro issue at hand.
The entire system is the issue.
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Our money is controlled and manipulated by an unaccountable group of self-appointed rulers. We The People currently have no say over the production, debasement, and distribution of the U.S. Dollar.
What America and the world needs is a free market alternative.
Yes, I’m a Bitcoin advocate. No, Bitcoin is not a perfect money, but in my view, it is the only real, proven censorship-resistant, sound money alternative to this system of accelerating financial censorship.
The debate should center around Free Market Money versus Fed Money. Cash versus cashless is a false dilemma, because those on either side of the issue remain tethered to the same system.
"Whether your dollars are deposited into a bank or buried in your backyard, your wealth remains on their monetary standard."
That's refreshing to read. I agree with everything up until the Bitcoin part. Here's the problem with that. Unless Bitcoin is incorruptible, which I find difficult to believe, it too is problematic unless the entire Central Banking System is done away with, completely.
But here's the problem with that. People realizing and understanding the Central Banking System have fought it since the inception of our nation. Most prominently since 1913 and the establishment of the Federal Reserve corporation, a PRIVATELY HELD, not government controlled (visa versa in fact de facto), with Guggenheim, Strauss, and Astor, three Central Bank/Federal Reserve opponents, dying on the Titanic, while other uber-wealthy men got the same call that many before 9-11 got (Al Franken clears that up) to avoid the voyage.
Fighting it now, while it's on the cusp of global takeover would seem to be futile, and I fail to see how it isn't. There is one solution however, just one from what I can see.
It's a moral Catch-22 however. Because in order for us to avail ourselves of this solution, we need to be perfectly willing to forfeit anything we've obtained in it, right?
We know that it's an entirely immoral system, yea even satanic/antichrist in fact, run by the same element. It has established both its personal gatekeepers, that oversee the corporate/institutional gatekeepers, via a pervasive and ubiquitous web of controlled institutions and organizations, such as most notably these days, the Medical INDUSTRY, and an industry it is and NOT a "Healthcare" system. It's financial incentives and profits THRIVE on disease and biological dysfunction.
The financial INDUSTRY replete with its entire corporate structure in Rush Limbaugh's wolf-in-sheep's-clothing "corporations are people too" world, is at the core of the wealth side of it all.
To cut short, if people are not willing to give up and relinquish their ill-gotten filthy lucre mammon gain, in favor of the moral side of the equation, then there is no hope for us. But THAT'S exactly the problem.
Our society at large worships mammon, even those without seek to gain it without actual hard work, and as easily as possiible. Another complex issue about which books could be written in clarification.
Either way, when I read about 'protecting one's wealth' and Bitcoin, etc., my first response is that people by and large, meaning well over 99% of them, simply do not grasp the magnitude and core of the problem. No problem can be solved properly if people do not know what the core issue, above and beyond the mere SYMPTOMS, is. That should be common sense.
The SYSTEM ubiquitously in place THRIVES on debt! DEBT is its LIFEBLOOD!!! That cannot possibly be understated.
To uproot the system, that DEBT that controls the world, NEEDS TO BE ERADICATED!!! Along with that, any claims to any of that immorally filthy lucre and mammon, needs to be relinquished.
THAT'S why there's no hope. Those that have it, ANY amount of it, 99% of them anyway, refuse to give it up which is why there's all this focus on "preserving ones wealth" and "wealth management."
Well, the long and short of it is that in our now Global Company Store model, replete with the Company Bank, de facto Company Governments, Company Information/"News", Company "education"/propaganda/indoctrination, Company Legal, etc., etc., etc., if we want to be rid of it, we need to be prepared for the "pain," really liberation, that comes along with it.
And we are not, in any way, shape, or form, willing to do that as a society(ies). We're so used to our lives of ease and comfort relatively speaking, that to undertake the necessary responsibilities, which would begin with the restoration of a healthy society predicated upon God-established nuclear families, willing to make those sacrifices. Hell, we don't even understand how we've been immorally undermined. It would take several generations with the sole intent of correcting it, to get rid of the immoral filth polluting our social order these days.
The ONLY SOLUTION is for universal Debt Forgiveness, a global Jubilee reset if you will, which would eliminate the control structure that is the debt structure. But it would also eliminate any "wealth" associated with it.
But we won't relinquish that in favor of our liberty. More's the pity!!! ... to understate it.
As Ben Franklin stated, we've relinquished our individual liberty for security. After 9-11 for our physical "security," and more recently, ongoing, and ultimately to do us in entirely shortly, our financial "security" with the unwillingness to relinquish the mammon in exchange for that very liberty.
Animals can quite often illustrate our dilemmas better than we can. Here's the perfect analogy;
All that the monkey has to do is to let go of the goodies and he's free. All we have to do is let go of our wealth that's based in their system, collapse it, and we're free. ... not going to happen however. Why? Simple greed.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”—Henry Ford
Protocols of Zion: Protocol VIII – Provisional Government
We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal subject of the teaching given to the jews. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and – the main thing – millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.